Monthly Archives: July 2009

Explaining out-of-body and near-death experiences

This article expatiates on the phenomenon of out-of-body experience(OBE) , astral projection , etheric projection and near-death experience based on the works of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, who used the term exteriorization to denote all such phenomena. Please note that this post is *not* a how-to guide on astral projection. It is dangerous to forcibly attempt any kind of exteriorization or astral projection for it may put one into contact with malevolent supernatural forces which could even lead to one’s death. It is better to let exteriorization happen naturally with the practice of Yoga and under the guidance of an able Master/Guru.

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How to eat like a Yogi

This article presents some psychological observations on food consumption from the perspective of a practitioner of Integral Yoga. If you are looking for guidance on nutritional aspects, there are other pages on the web which may provide that information.

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How to develop intuition

This article is related to the previous article “Four Powers of Intuition

The source of all Knowledge is the Superconscient; it is the reservoir of all creativity – the source of all inventions, paintings,  musical compositions.   In contrast, the source of all Ignorance is our limited consciousness which is only aware of  its identity as the physical body in the physical world.   Every problem we face is the result of a deformation of some underlying Truth and the Intuition required to solve a problem can be found by bridging this gap between Ignorance and Knowledge, by ascending and widening our consciousness so we can become aware of our larger Self.   When we ascend into this wider consciousness, we also find ourselves crowned with the power of Intuition.

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Vedic Vak: four levels of sound

This is a simplified explanation of the Vedic theory of Sound (Vak, whose root is Vach which means “to speak” and corresponds in Latin to the word is Vox) using some examples as well as the words of the Mother of the Aurobindo Ashram.

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